Terms of Service for Racing1


  1. In these Terms, the expressions below shall have the meaning assigned to them in this clause, unless the context requires otherwise:
  • “Content” — any content, graphic, design, document or material created, related, or portraying Racing1
  • “Comments” — any comment, opinion, advice, suggestion, recommendation or critic.
  • “Link” — any unique hyperlink to a personal webpage on which Your Content is published as automatically generated by Racing1;
  • “Racing1” — Racing1s game Racing1;
  • “Terms” — Terms of Service for Racing1, as amended from time to time;
  • “Website” — the website for Racing1: racing1.net.
  • “You” or “Your” — you, the final and ultimate user of Racing1 or the authorized representative of a company or other legal entity that will be the final and ultimate user of Racing1, and the company or other legal entity that will be the final and ultimate user of Racing1, if applicable;


  1. By checking the acceptance box when registering at the Website You enter into an agreement with Racing1 for the use of the Website and Racing1 as well as accept the applicability and the contents of the Racing1 Policies.

  2. You acknowledge that these Terms may be modified from time to time. Such modifications will be effective upon posting on the Website or otherwise notifying You, e.g. by using the email address used for Your registration. If You do not agree with modifications to these Terms, You can terminate these Terms in accordance with clause 14.2.

  3. In the event any provision of these Terms is found by a competent court to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, then such part will be severed from the remainder of these Terms which will continue to be valid and enforceable to the full extent permitted by law. As for the provision that has been found to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable, Racing1 and You shall enter into negotiations to agree upon a new provision replacing such invalid, unlawful or unenforceable provision, whereby the purpose and the meaning of the original provision shall be applied to the extent possible.

  4. These Terms set forth the entire agreement and understanding between Racing1 and You with respect to the subject matter hereof. Your terms and conditions of whatever kind shall not apply, not even in addition to these Terms.


  1. While accessing Racing1 you may sign up. By signing-up, You warrant that the sign-up details used by You are accurate and up-to-date.

  2. You are responsible for safeguarding Your password for Your account for Racing1 and for any activities and actions taking place under Your password. You are prohibited to share Your password with any third party.

  3. You shall notify Racing1 immediately of any breach of security or unauthorized use of Your account that You become aware of.

  4. All activities that occur under Your account for Racing1 are Your sole responsibility.

  5. If You have accepted the terms and conditions in these Terms and the Racing1 Policies on behalf of a company or other legal entity, You are prohibited to use the account of Racing1 after You have ceased working for such company or other legal entity.

Restrictions and Conditions

  1. Racing1 hereby grants You the right to access and use the Website and Racing1, provided that You shall at all times comply with these Terms and the Racing1 Policies and shall not use the Website and Racing1 in violation of application laws or regulations.
  2. You shall not do any of the following while using Racing1 or the Website:

    1. use Racing1 for uploading and sharing any other content than the Content;
    2. use Racing1 or the Website for unlawful purposes or the promotion of illegal activities;
    3. use Racing1 or the Website in a way that could be detrimental to the reputation of Racing1;
    4. upload or share any Content that infringe intellectual property rights, including copyrights, of third parties;
    5. imply or suggest that the Content is created or endorsed by Racing1 or Racing1’s licensors;
    6. probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of any system or network or breach or circumvent any security or authentication measures, including measures that prevent or restrict use or copying of the Content or enforce limitations on the use of Racing1 or the content accessible via Racing1;
    7. decompile, decrypt, dissemble, modify, copy, reformat, create derivative works of, or reverse engineer the Website or Racing1, except as expressly permitted in these Terms;
    8. use the Website or Racing1 for any purpose other than to play or generate content for non-commercial use in accordance with these Terms and the Racing1 Policies, including, but not limited to, (a) the sale of access to Racing1, (b) the sale of advertising or promotions placed on or within the Content or Racing1 or (c) the sale of advertising or promotions on any webpage containing the Content delivered in the Website, Racing1, or clone;
    9. impersonate or misrepresent Racing1 or any third party when You make available the Content;
    10. interfere with or disrupt Racing1’s services, servers or network in any way.
  3. Racing1 is constantly innovating Racing1, and You agree that the form and nature of Racing1 may change from time to time without prior notice to You.

  4. You acknowledge that You may be exposed to Content of third parties that are factually inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable to You. You agree to waive any legal rights or remedies You have or may have against Racing1 with respect to any such third party Content.


  1. Racing1 is not responsible and liable for the Content and the consequences of uploading the Content and for sharing the Content by sharing the Link. Racing1 does not endorse the Content or any advice, suggestion or opinion expressed in the Content.

  2. You warrant that You have (and will continue to have during Your use of Racing1) all necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions which are required to create any content .

  3. On becoming aware of any (potential) violation of these Terms, Racing1 reserves the right (a) to remove the Content which is in violation of these Terms and (b) to disable the Link to such Content at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.


  1. You are only permitted to post Comments on the Website if you are logged onto Your account.

  2. Racing1 is not responsible and liable for Comments posted by You or third parties on the Website or in game, including Comments with respect to the Content. Racing1 does not endorse the Comments.

  3. You shall not post Comments that:

    1. are factually inaccurate, offensive, indecent, or otherwise objectionable;

    2. (in part) consist of advertisements or promotions; or

    3. are otherwise in violation of these Terms, in particularly in violation of clause 4 above.

  4. Racing1 reserves the right to remove Comments which are in violation of these Terms at any time, without prior notice and at its sole discretion.

Feedback and Notifications

  1. You acknowledge and agree that if You provide Racing1 with any suggestions, comments, or other feedback about the Racing1 Materials (jointly “Feedback”), such Feedback is given voluntarily. Even if You designate such Feedback as confidential, the Feedback will not be confidential unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing by Racing1, and Racing1 will be free to use, disclose, reproduce, license, or otherwise distribute or exploit the Feedback at its sole discretion without any obligations or restrictions of any kind, including without limitation, intellectual property rights or licensing obligations.

  2. Racing1 does not monitor the in game chat, Comments, or Content uploaded and shared on the internet regarding Racing1.

Racing1 Materials

  1. All right, title, and interest in and to the Racing1 Materials will remain the exclusive property of Racing1 and its licensors. You may not delete or alter any disclaimers, warnings, copyright or other proprietary notices accompanying the Racing1 Materials.

  2. Racing1 claims no ownership over the Content.

  3. Nothing in these Terms gives You the right to use Racing1’s name or any of Racing1’s trademarks, logos, domain names and other distinctive brand features.

  4. You understand and agree that Racing1 may be independently creating content, other products and services that may be similar to or competitive with the Content. Nothing in these Terms will be construed as restricting or preventing Racing1 from creating and fully exploiting any such content, other products and services without any obligations to You.

Support and Updates

  1. Racing1 may extend, enhance or otherwise modify the Racing1 Materials (such modified Racing1 Materials are hereinafter referred to as the “Updates”) at its sole discretion and without notice. Racing1 shall not be obligated to provide You with any such Updates. If Updates are made available by Racing1, the terms and conditions of these Terms will govern Your use of and access to such Updates.

  2. Racing1 is not obliged to provide any maintenance, technical or other support for the Racing1 Materials, including the Updates.

Warranty Disclaimer

  1. The Racing1 Materials are provided to You on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including, but not limited to, fitness for a particular purpose, availability, security, title, non-infringement or backward compatibility.

Limitation of Liability

  1. The liability of Racing1, its affiliates, personnel, subcontractors or agents for direct damages arising out of or in any way relating to these Terms, including in connection with or arising out of the Content, or Materials, shall in no event exceed the total amount of $10.

  2. The limitation of liability does not apply to loss or damages resulting from the intent or willful misconduct by Racing1 or the management of Racing1.

  3. In no event shall Racing1, its affiliates, personnel, subcontractors or agents be liable for indirect and/or consequential damages or purely financial loss such as missed business opportunities, lost sales, volume and profit, and data loss in connection with or arising out of these Terms. In addition, Racing1, its affiliates, personnel, subcontractors or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by You as a result of:

  4. any changes which Racing1 may make to Racing1, or any permanent or temporary (partial) termination in the provision of Racing1;

    1. the deletion of, corruption of, or failure to store the user data, or any other data provided by You in connection with Racing1;
    2. any delay, error or failure of Racing1 in connection with game servers;
    3. Your failure to provide Racing1 with accurate information during the registration process; or
    4. Your failure to keep the password for Your account for Racing1 secure and confidential.


  1. You shall indemnify Racing1, its affiliates, personnel, subcontractors and agents from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, demands, suits, expenses and any other out-of-pocket costs (including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses) which Racing1, its affiliates, personnel, subcontractors or agents may incur or be liable for arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly, the use of the Racing1 Materials by You, including but not limited to any product liability claims, even if such a claim alleges that Racing1 was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the Racing1 Materials.

Suspension, Termination and Consequences of Termination

  1. The terms and conditions in these Terms shall be in effect until terminated by You or Racing1 in accordance with this clause 14.

  2. You may terminate these Terms at Your convenience by discontinuing Your use of the Website and Racing1. Racing1 may discontinue the Website and/or Racing1 or terminate these Terms for convenience upon reasonable period prior written notice (including email or text message) to You.

  3. Racing1 may suspend Your access to and Your use of the Racing1 Materials, and terminate these Terms immediately in writing (including email or text message), without prior written notice (i) if You fail to comply with any term(s) and conditions of these Terms, including the Racing1 Policies, (ii) on becoming aware of any (potential) violation of these Terms.

  4. You and Racing1 waive their rights to rescind or annul these Terms. Articles 3:44, 6:228 and 6:265 of the Dutch Civil Code are excluded.

  5. Any terms and conditions of these Terms that by their nature should survive termination shall survive termination.

  6. On the effective date of termination of these Terms:

    1. User data shall be removed;

    2. Your right to access and use the Racing1 Materials shall terminate;

    3. any other rights granted to You under these Terms shall immediately be relinquished by You;

    4. unless agreed otherwise by Racing1, Racing1 will deactivate and delete Your account(s) and data; and

    5. You shall promptly return to Racing1 all Racing1 Materials and Racing1’s confidential information in Your or any of Your employees’, agents’, subcontractors’ or (external) advisors’ possession, without withholding any copies.


  1. You may not issue any press releases or make any other public statements regarding these Terms, the Website, Racing1 or the relationship between You and Racing1, without Racing1’s express prior written consent, which may be withheld at Racing1’s sole discretion.

  2. You may not assign or subcontract any of Your rights or obligations under these Terms to any third party without Racing1’s prior written consent. Racing1 may assign or subcontract any of its rights or obligations under these Terms at its sole discretion. Only You and Racing1 and Your and Racing1’s permitted assignees or successors may enforce the terms and conditions of these Terms, except as expressly provided in these Terms.

  3. A failure by Racing1 to give notice to You of any breach or non-fulfilment of any provision, term or clause of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver thereof, nor shall the waiver of any breach or non-fulfilment of any provision, term or clause hereof constitute a waiver of any other provision, term or clause thereof.

Governing Law and Disputes

  1. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Spain, excluding its conflicts of law rules.

  2. To the extent permitted by applicable law, any dispute between Racing1 and You shall exclusively be submitted to the competent court in the Madrid, Spain.